Less is More : The way of Minimalistic Lifestyle


What is Minimalism?

Minimalism means less. We know, “Less is more.”

On its surface, Minimalism is about owning fewer possessions, about owning less stuff. Minimalism is intentionally living with only the things we really need. But it’s actually far more than that when you start to consider it.

I define Minimalism as the intentional promotion of the things we most value by removing anything that distracts us from it. In this way, minimalism is about intentionality. We live in a world where we see 5,000 advertisements every single day, and every single advertisement calls for our attention and it calls for our affection. Minimalism is about rejecting those messages and taking back control of our own lives and being intentional with our time and our money, and our energy.

Minimalism is also counter-cultural. Our society praises excess and over-consumption at every turn. Minimalism is about rejecting that idea. It’s about recognizing that excess actually carries with it a burden. And in this way, minimalism is also about passion and purpose. It’s about rejecting this idea that I can find happiness and fulfillment in possessions. It’s about realizing that my life was designed and created for something far greater than that. That there are far better places to find my happiness and my fulfillment. And it’s about rejecting possessions, it’s about removing those distractions, and pursuing more and more of my values.
This is minimalism.

It’s about more than owning less. It’s about taking back control over our lives. It’s about rediscovering and finding a greater purpose, and a greater passion, and discovering a greater life than we ever thought imaginable.

Steps to End up a minimalist:

  • Be clear approximately your intentions.
  • Declutter one zone of your life at a time.
  • A deal along with your ‘problem area’ first.
  • Learn how to travel like a minimalist.
  • Simplify your dinners and basic need shopping.
  • Do not disregard to address your mental clutter.
  • Set a money-saving goal.
  • Follow the one-week run of the show.
  • Get rid of the duplicate items.
  • Dress with less.
  • Understand the difference between  ‘I Need This’ and ‘I Want This’. 


  • There’s less pressure to tidy and clean your living space.
  • You’ll have less desire to buy more unneeded stuff.
  • You’ll be able to find what you need quickly.
  • You’ll have a clearer mind.
  • You’ll feel freer and less tied down.
  • You’ll experience more visual satisfaction.

Being a minimalist is a state of mind and not a set of rules. It can actually mean you have more of what you need, are able to enjoy everything you have, and are not worried about what you don’t have. All of that can help make living life a lot less stressful and can make it more fulfilling.

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